Hedgehog Food

Hedgehog Food

There’s a lot of mixed advice out there about what to feed your local hedgehogs, which is why we stock a range of hedgehog food to meet their specific nutritional needs without breaking the bank! We supply a range of hedgehog-specific food, which acts as a great supplement to their natural diet.

Hedgehogs are primarily insectivores, but they are also opportunistic omnivores and carnivores. They will eat a wide variety of foods. So, while they prefer insects, hedgehogs will happily feed on dry food like pet biscuits and shop-bought hedgehog food.

What food shouldn't you feed hedgehogs?

Hedgehogs cannot eat starchy vegetables such as corn, potatoes and carrots, as well as all dried vegetables. Vegetables make great hedgehog food! However, be aware that not all vegetables are safe for hedgehogs.

As well as the veggies mentioned above, the following food should NOT be given to hedgehogs:

  • Milk or any dairy products
  • Bread
  • Mealworms (these are thought to cause health problems when eaten in large quantities)
  • Artificial preservatives
  • Dried fruit

To be sure that the food you are feeding your hedgehogs is safe for them to eat, choose an option from our range of hedgehog food above.

What food shouldn't you feed hedgehogs?