At the 2024 Cereals event

June is a month that hosts a number of farming events, in what is usually a quieter work month ahead of a busy harvest season. It's a good time for farmers to meet socially and attend educational events.


Checking the wheat

This is the time of year when crops are growing like crazy and passing through their growth stages very quickly. This means that we have to be extremely vigilant, inspecting them regularly.

Steve, our agronomist, visits regularly to check crop health and advise on the prevention of fungal disease by the application of fungicides. Getting the correct timing for fungicide applications for wheat can be difficult (because of the very rapid growth) but it is extremely important.


Slug in a garden

Slugs have always copped a bad reputation in the eyes of gardeners. A new campaign titled Making Friends with Molluscs hopes to change this. The initiative, kickstarted by the Royal Horticultural Society and The Wildlife Trusts, encourages homeowners to consider the positive role of slugs and other molluscs in their garden’s ecosystem. More...

common sparrow - what birds eat millet?

Millet is one of the oldest farming crops known, and has been cultivated as a food source for well over 7,000 years! Due to its resistance to drought, millet has been a staple for both humans and animals since the dawn of civilisation.

In addition to being an excellent source of potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, protein, carbohydrates and vitamins a and b, it also helps that it’s super yummy!


What Do Finches Eat?

The finch (Fringillidae) family comprises more than 200 different species across a variety of different habitats. In fact, finches can be found in almost every part of the world - the only exceptions are Australia and the polar regions.

FUN FINCH FACT: Did you know that a flock of goldfinches is called a charm? How charming!


Be fast - offer ends midnight tomorrow (30th April 2024). Order your peanuts now!


Classic peanuts for birds


Our nutritious and wholesome Classic Peanuts are good quality pale-skinned peanuts (there may be some skinned ones). They are a 50/60 size, have a high oil content, and smell and taste delicious!


What to Feed Birds in Summer


As the warm days of summer approach, the dietary requirements of the wild birds in your garden are evolving and changing.

While summer brings an abundance of natural food resources, providing bird food is still important, especially as the warmer months are usually nesting, breeding and moulting seasons for birds. In this blog, we will explore the best bird foods to keep our feathered friends happy and healthy and your garden thriving this summer.


Niger seeds (sometimes called nyger or nyjer seeds) are a popular seed among many wild birds. They can be enjoyed on their own as a tasty snack or as part of a yummy bird seed mix.

Birds eating niger seed

PICTURED: Ring-Pull™ Niger Feeder

Keep reading to discover more about niger seed, including what birds like to eat it and how best to use it.


Our very popular High Energy Fledgling Mix™ is back for this season!

Bird food for fledglings - loved by sparrows

Spring is upon us - not that you'd know it from the cold, wet and miserable weather! This is the time of year when garden bird numbers soar as fledglings appear en masse.

This is also the most critical time of year to offer quality, easy-to-digest bird food (especially if the weather is inclement and the insect population is low, which is certainly the case right now).


Bird feeding on a table

Wild birds vary quite a bit in size and feeding habits, which is why there are so many different types of bird feeder on the market.

When you're trying to choose the best bird feeder for your garden, think carefully about which birds you're hoping to attract. This will inform your purchase - for example, some birds are ground feeders, whereas others prefer to forage in bushes and trees.

(Of course, you can always set up several different feeders in your garden so as to attract a wider variety of birds!)
