Universal Wildflower Mixture
A riot of colourful wildflowers - Available as 100% or 80/20% mixtures
Only: £5.95

Select size: In Stock
- 80% Grass 20% Wildflower (20g packet)
- 100% Wildflower (20g packet)
- 80% Grass 20% Wildflower (40g packet)
- 100% Wildflower (40g packet)
- 80% Grass 20% Wildflower (250g packet)
- 100% Wildflower (250g packet)
Choose from 100% flora or 80% grass 20% flora mixture
Sow at a rate of 3-5gm/m2. Available as 20g packets or larger 250g packets
This mixture will give you some good colour in the first year from the Cornfield Annuals and from then on you will start to see more and more of the other species.
Suitable for most soil types.
The companion grass is of standard nature to suit most situations.
100% Universal Mixture
- Kidney Vetch Small scabious
- Ribwort Plantain Greater Knapweed
- Black Medick Cowslip
- Lesser Trefoil Sainfoin
- White Clover Meadow Buttercup
- Ladys Bedstraw Salad Burnet
- Fairt Flax Field Scabious
- Black Knapweed Cornflower
- Ox Eye Daisy Corn Marigold
- Self Heal Corn Chammomile
- Red Clover Corn Cockle
- Rough Hawkbit Field Poppy
- Common Catsear Campion
- Common Birds-Foot-Trefoil
- Yellow Rattle
- Wild Carrot
80/20 Universal Mixture
As per the 100% specification but with the following added grasses:
Fine Fescue
Crested Dogstail
Small leave Timothy
Yorkshire Fog
Meadow Grass
Glaucous Sedge
Quaking Grass

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