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Bird Suet Cakes & Feeders

Bird Suet Cakes & Feeders

Are you looking to add suet cakes to your garden bird buffet? Suet cakes are an absolute must when you're feeding the birds at this time of year as they are packed with protein and healthy fats that provide both adult birds and their broods with the much-needed energy required to stay warm and active as temperatures drop. 

Here at Really Wild Bird Food, we carry a range of suet cakes for birds alongside various suet cake feeders, so you're sure to find the perfect treat for your feathered friends in our selection. 

More About Suet!


Why Do Birds Love Suet Cakes?

  • They are easy for birds to digest and metabolize, meaning that our feathered friends can get a quick energy boost that's especially beneficial in cold weather. 
  • They help birds store fat for hibernation during the winter.
  • They are super easy to feed on as they don't require any hunting, cracking hulls or peeling rinds.

Suet Feeding Top Tips:

  • Melting suet and removing impurities can help it last longer.
  • Hang suet feeders 5-6 feet above the ground to keep squirrels and other animals away.
  • Frequently clean and refill suet feeders, particularly in hot weather to avoid the suet going rancid.
  • Never put suet cakes out in netting, birds can become stuck in the net and seriously injured.
More About Suet!