siskin bird perched on a branch

Siskin (Carduelis Spinus) 
This beautiful bird is a lively small finch. It has a forked tail and the male has a yellow-green body and back crown. They are relatively small birds, between a blue tit and a robin in size. Siskins can be found in coniferous and mixed woodland across the UK.
Siskin birds love to eat seeds so our sunflower seeds would be a good choice!

Fun facts!

  • 400,000 pairs of siskin are thought to breed in the UK each year!
  • Siskin life span is around 2 -5 years
  • Siskins will often hang upside down to reach tree seeds.
You can do your bit for British wildlife - including the lovable Siskin - by putting out bird seeds and  planting wildflowers in your garden!