What Do Jays Eat?
Jays eat many foods, like acorns, berries, nuts, seeds, and insects. Wild Jays usually like to eat acorns, and you may see them digging these out of the ground on occasion! However, if you don't have room for your own oak tree, you'll need to find an alternative Jay bird food.
We've curated the below selection of bird food for Jays. If you want to feed Jays, you can start with some of these options to attract Jay's to your garden. Browse our selection of nutritious Jay bird foods!

Jay Food
More About Jays
Jays look like crows (they are part of the same corvidae familly) but with much more colourful plumage. Look out for pale pink feathers, a pale head streaked with black, and a black tail. Though these signs are useful for identifying a Jay, you can also find them by their bird call: a loud, iconic screech!
If you think you've identified Jays in your area, consider putting out some jay bird food for them. Jay like to eat a variety of food, like seeds, nuts, and instects.
We sell a variety of bird food mixes to attract many different kinds of birds to your garden. Really Wild Bird Food is UK-based and prioritises high-quality bird food. For more information, check out our full bird food range.