Niger seeds (sometimes called nyger or nyjer seeds) are a popular seed among many wild birds. They can be enjoyed on their own as a tasty snack or as part of a yummy bird seed mix.

Birds eating niger seed

PICTURED: Ring-Pull™ Niger Feeder

Keep reading to discover more about niger seed, including what birds like to eat it and how best to use it.


Bird feeding on a table

Wild birds vary quite a bit in size and feeding habits, which is why there are so many different types of bird feeder on the market.

When you're trying to choose the best bird feeder for your garden, think carefully about which birds you're hoping to attract. This will inform your purchase - for example, some birds are ground feeders, whereas others prefer to forage in bushes and trees.

(Of course, you can always set up several different feeders in your garden so as to attract a wider variety of birds!)


Robin in wet weather

This robin is looking a bit fed up, and I totally get it - we all are!

With the weather forecast looking wet, wet, WET for the foreseeable future, it's worth taking a look at our bird feeding practices to ensure we give our feathered friends a fighting chance. Natural food resources are still very scarce, and this inclement weather is testing, so wild birds need all the help they can get.


Where to put a bird feeder

There are two key factors to consider when hanging a bird feeder in your garden.

  1. Visibility
  2. Safety


hemp seeds for birds

Can Birds Eat Hemp Seeds?

Hemp seeds have grown in popularity in recent years. Although the seeds come from cannabis plants, they contain virtually no THC (the psychoactive component of cannabis) and are safe for both animals and humans to eat. In fact, many health enthusiasts use hemp seeds in smoothies, salads and other dishes. Hemp seeds are also a popular ingredient in bird seed mixes. Hemp seeds are also enjoyed by caged birds. More...

blue tit perched on suet feeder eating fat balls for birds

Good quality fat balls are an excellent source of nutrients for wild birds. They are a high-energy source of healthy fats and calories, making them a particularly valuable bird feed option for wild birds in the winter months.

Fat balls are also great for the breeding and migration seasons when wild birds will need as much energy as they can get. However, there are a few things you may need to know when it comes to feeding fat balls to wild birds.


While there is a lot of emphasis on feeding wild birds in the winter, it’s actually beneficial to feed garden birds all year round! There’s a common misconception that birds don’t need to be fed in the summer months, and even that feeding birds in the summer will make them fat and lazy, but that’s not the case!

While it’s true that winter can be a particularly difficult time for wild birds with natural food (and occasionally drinkable water)  being in short supply, wild birds will benefit from feeding all year round. Feeding wild birds through all seasons is an effective way to support their populations; improving chick numbers born and the survival of youngsters, and helping adults to stay in good body condition. More...

What to feed birds in spring

Spring marks the beginning of nesting season, so wild birds will benefit from high energy food sources during this time. In fact, as the UK tends to stay cold right through into the middle of spring, it is recommended to continue with high-energy winter feeding techniques until around mid-March at least. If you're unsure how best to care for our feathered friends, here's what to feed birds in spring.
