bird in bush eating redish pink berries

As the cold winds blow and temperatures plummet, there’s no denying that winter is well on its way! In the winter months, birds can struggle to find enough food to get by.

Berries are an important food source during winter months, when many other food sources are scarce and the ground is too hard to hunt for burrowing insects.


Winter is well on its way, and as autumn draws to a close, we’re seeing a lot of seasonal plants die down for the winter. One exception is holly - or to call it by its Latin name, Ilex aquifolium.

This iconic evergreen is commonly used to decorate homes throughout the winter season, the vibrant green leaves and the rich red berries bring a splash of colour to this bleak time of year.



If there’s one thing that most dogs have in common, it’s a healthy appetite. Even after a perfectly sizeable meal, they’re still eyeing up whatever you’ve got in your hands, and it sure looks really yummy.

If given the opportunity, some dogs will gobble up anything they can get their paws on, from your breakfast right off your plate to bird seed that has fallen from your bird feeder.

If you’ve found your way to this blog, your own pooch has probably helped themselves to some bird feed, and you’re looking for information as to whether or not you should be worried. So, is bird seed bad for dogs?



When you put out bird feed, you never know what kind of birds you’ll attract. While you can select certain feeds that are more popular with certain birds, you can never predict exactly what birds will come to visit your garden.

While having any feathered friend come to visit is a delight, putting out food for birds can also entice some more unwelcome visitors. Bird feeders can be an attractive sight for garden rats, and they can be inclined to help themselves to the feed.


bumble bee hovering around bright yellow sun flower 

Bees are an important part of our ecosystem – in fact, they’re a part of almost every ecosystem across the world. Bees are responsible for the pollination of most fruit and veg, making them an essential part of our survival.

Here are some fun facts about bees that might surprise you...


Wildflowers are a great addition to any garden for a wide number of reasons. Their beautiful vibrance brings a radiant splash of colour to any outdoor space, and their varying shapes and sizes are totally unique and promise something new every year with every new bloom.

Not only are wildflowers beautiful, but they also do a great amount to support your local ecosystem. Bees and butterflies love them, and bees are great pollinators so their presence will help your garden flourish and support local biodiversity. Although planting a few wildflower seeds in your garden might not seem like much, but every little helps.


Birds eating suet cakes from a garden feeder

Suet cakes are a wonderful high-fat snack for our little feathered friends, and are a great source of essential nutrients. Their high-fat content makes them a perfect treat for the winter months, but they can be enjoyed all year round.




The UK has three native species of woodpecker; the great spotted woodpecker, the lesser spotted woodpecker and the green woodpecker. As well known as they are, "seen but not heard" definitely isn't an expression that would ever be used to describe woodpeckers!

Taking a walk through the woods you may often hear the tell-tale thrumming and knocking of a woodpecker nearby, but you'd be lucky if you happened to catch a glimpse of their distinctive red head and stripy wings. More...

Best feeder for small birds

There's no shortage of bird feeders on the market: seed feeders, peanut feeders, peanut butter feeders, window feeders, hanging feeders, ground feeders...the list goes on and on.
