Bullfinch bird - Phrrhula pyrrhula

Bird profile – Bullfinch (Phrrhula pyrrhula)

The bullfinch is a beautiful well known garden bird. Bullfinches are appreciated for their striking appearance and pleasant song. Their presence adds charm and beauty to gardens and woodlands, making them a joy to observe for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike. More...

The Black Cap - Sylvia atricapilla)

The Black Cap (Scientific name - Sylvia atricapilla)

This bird is a very distinctive garden bird, the male (above picture) has a black cap and the female has a chestnut cap. The juvenile males also have a brown cap. The Black Caps have thin beaks and grey/brown wings. They are a similar size to the well loved robin! The Black Cap measures around 13cm and only weighs around 21g. More...

Female linnet feeding her chicks

The linnet (Linaria cannabina) is a small finch that can be found in most parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Linnets are known for their melodious song - listen here - and used to be very popular as cage birds.


 Dunnocks are sweet little hedgerow birds, often called “hedge sparrows' but of course they are not a sparrow!

They have a different colouration and a much thinner beak than the sparrow. The males and females are almost identical in colouration. They have sharp pointed little bills; well developed for finding insects in nooks and crannies. Whilst they are designed to eat insects, spiders and worms, they will also eat seeds, particularly in the winter time when natural food is scarce. They hunt for food on the ground, often hopping around in dead leaves under hedges, bushes and woodland. They will perch on low branches and can fly only small distances. When they sing they have a high-pitched whistling ‘tseep’.


Do you want to learn more about goldfinches? How to attract them to your garden and what to do once you have them? Well, dive into our goldfinch bird profile to learn everything you need to know about these beautiful little birds!


The goldfinch, also known as Carduelis carduelis, is one of the most attractive birds you're likely to find in Britain thanks to its bright colours and unique patterns. More...

song thrush

Song thrushes are a truly charming species of bird that can be found in most British gardens. Unlike mistle thrushes, song thrushes are small and brown in colour with a creamy/yellow coloured breast.

Weighing in at only 65-100g, these delicate little birds are a delight to see, but not always the easiest to spot! 

One feature that distinguishes song thrushes from other birds is their repetitive song phrases. Want to find out more about these gorgeous little songbirds? Just keep reading. More...


Next on our list of profiles for some of Britain's favourite birds is the Chaffinch! Here we will look at every Chaffinch, from their appearance and their behaviours to their sleeping patterns and the best food for chaffinches to eat. So, if you're looking for a know-it-all guide to one of the UK's most beloved birds, you are definitely in the right place. 
