nuthatch bird

Bird Profile - Nuthatch

Nuthatches are small passerine birds belonging to the family Sittidae. They are known for climbing down tree trunks headfirst! They have very strong toes! Sometimes they are nicknamed the upside down bird! Nuthatches are beloved among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts for their interesting behavior and charming appearance. Observing their acrobatic climbing and listening to their distinctive calls can be a delightful experience in nature.

What does Nuthatch look like?

There are many different species of nuthatches, and they vary in color. However, their general size and body shape is quite similar but most nuthatches have a blue-gray or gray-brown upper body, with a contrasting white or pale underside. Some species also have distinctive markings, such as black caps or eye stripes.

Where do Nuthatches live?

Nuthatches are found in forests and woodlands but can also be seen in parks and gardens.

What do Nuthatches like to eat?

Nuthatches like to eat insects and bugs, but also read a range of seeds and nuts 


You can do your bit for British wildlife - including the lovable Nuthatch - by putting out bird seeds and planting wildflowers in your garden!