Robins are inquisitive and trusting birds and with a little TLC, some perseverance and some yummy tempting food ( especially of the wriggling variety! ) you can encourage them to feed from your hand, which is always thrilling when it happens. We shouldn't lose sight of how much we can do to help our garden birds, particularly by feeding them bird food of the highest quality, and please don't worry - it is impossible to help too much!

Food that we put out will always be a supplement to natural supplies. If nature offers great bounty - the birds will be there! You can see this is true at this time of year when most garden birds desert us in favour of hedgerows full of fruit, berries, seeds and nuts.

We received a lovely email from Sue Perry about her robin..... "Hi Lesley & Co, I have been buying my bird seed from you for a while now. Thought I would share some photos with you of what I consider to be a success story! This robin was a scruff bag early in summer. I assumed he was a single parent trying to raise his brood. I vowed to feed him a selection of your products every day. He'd be out there first thing calling for his breakfast - he made quite a racket! Before I left for work he got his breakfast, with enough put out for other visitors too! Well, here is the result. Can this be the same robin looking healthy again? I think so. And he lets me get close to him! I believe he is grateful for his food. He's not as noisy anymore, but is still calling for his breakfast each day! He's out there now, but he's singing! A satisfied customer! (That's me and the birds)"

You can see from Sue's lovely photos the transformation in her robin; beautiful new feathers and a slightly expanded waistine! I hope you agree he looks magnificent! If you have any other rags to riches stories I would love to hear them. 

Drop me a line in the comments section below. THANK YOU!