Bird singing at dawn

This time of year is very special in terms of early morning birdsong. I would like to say that I spring out of bed at 5am to ride out on my bike, but the reality is somewhat less energetic than that (and a bit later as well!).

However, once I am up and out, I am always so grateful for the gift of birds and the beauty of their songs, and I always arrive home in a positive and grateful frame of mind to start the day.

This cacophony of bird song is known as the dawn chorus. It can be heard from March to July, with May and June being the peak months to enjoy the noise. The first songsters of the season tend to be UK resident birds such as robins and great tits, but as the warmer months bring migrants such as blackcaps and chiffchaffs back into our green spaces, the choir starts to take shape and the dawn chorus can be heard in all its glory!

Male blackbird singing

So now is a really good time of year to be up and out and enjoying it while you can. The best days to choose are those with fine, clear weather and little wind. There is a pretty chilly northerly wind still blowing here currently - so don't forget to wrap up warm and take a hot drink with you. That will make your early morning much more enjoyable!


Common chiffchaff singing

Why do birds sing at dawn?

Quite simply, the dawn chorus is all about defending territory and raising chicks - and the noise you hear is coming from a male voice choir. Yes, it is the tenors and basses who create such lovely music!

Our songbirds time their breeding season to coincide with the warmest part of the year, when there is plenty of food and lots of daylight in which to find it. As winter turns to spring, the lengthening daylight switches male songbird brains to all things breeding. The boys are singing to attract a mate, demonstrating their health and vigour by singing their heart out - quite romantic really!

A loud voice also serves as a deterrent to male competition, which may be encroaching on home territory. Once the hard work is done and a breeding female has been secured, it is usual for males to sing less often, and the dawn chorus diminishes as a result. Sadly, it may be that birds who sing late into the summer are males who have failed to attract a mate.


Blackcap warbler singing

What time does the dawn chorus start?

Normally, the first birds begin singing about an hour before sunrise, and if you listen regularly you may notice that there is a routine to the warmup, with some choristers eager to get started and others joining in a set routine.

We are so incredibly lucky living on the farm because one of the earliest birds to rise are the skylarks - and with our windows open, we waken to that amazing sound. Skylarks sing on the wing as they soar and then go quiet as they dive back to land.


Dawn chorus bird

Which birds sing in the morning?

Here are some of the early-rising birds who commonly lend their voices to the dawn chorus:

  • Blackbirds
  • Robins
  • Skylarks
  • Thrushes

Most of these are worm-eating birds, so there may be some truth in the old saying that 'the early bird catches the worm'!

Smaller, insect-eating birds like wrens and warblers (which need more protection from the cold temperatures of the early hours) will tend to stay sheltered and quiet, joining the chorus a bit later on. Great tits, blue tits, sparrows and finches only add their voices when it's light enough for them to see clearly - probably because that's when they are sufficiently relaxed to start singing.

Robin singing

If you miss the dawn chorus, there is also a chorus at dusk! It is usually a quieter chorus, but some birds like blue tits and tree sparrows prefer to sing in the evening - so if you're not a morning person, consider listening out for the dusk chorus instead!

And did you know, you can enjoy bird song at any time by tuning in to Birdsong FM Radio. You can listen live on their website or download the app. It's very relaxing!

Lesley cycling

Lesley out and about, enjoying the early morning hedgerow dawn chorus

Enjoy your dawn chorus and do let me know which birds are waking you up on these bright summer mornings!

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