There is a great variety of bird feed available for the wild birds. Amongst these seeds and mealworms are the fatballs which are one of the most popular forms of bird feed. Fatballs prove to be excellent feed options for the birds especially during the winter.

These contain a good amount of fat, usually in the form of suet or lard, which is a great energy supplement for the wild birds during the cold spells. The energy required to stay warm during the winters is easily provided by these fatballs since they are high energy and very nutritious.

Our version of fatballs, known as the Super Suet Fatballs, are a good combination of beef suet, wheat, peanut flour and dried mealworms and waterfly. These highly nutritious fatballs contain over 50% more fat than the other available options and provide the birds with instant energy. Apart from this even the taste and texture is great making them easily consumable even by fledgelings.

We have various different versions of fat ball bird feeders also available. For those who face persistent squirrel problems, we have the squirrel proof versions such as the Hexihaus Fatball Feeders which have surrounding cages and come in 2 different sizes. The Swivel top feeders are easy to fill and can hold either 2 or 4 fatballs. There are also the square caged squirrel proof versions available that are designed to attract a large variety of smaller birds to your garden.