New Peanuts and New Prices!
We have recently swapped our Java peanuts (which were our Premium Peanuts ) to a bigger, bolder American peanut which we hope our customers will approve of! The Javas were becoming exceptionally expensive to buy and we have found a peanut of equal quality but at a fraction of the price. We think your birds will enjoy these big, bold peanuts with a high oil content.

Cleaning Feeders and Feeding Stations!
This is a very good time of year to be cleaning feeders and feeding stations in preparation for the winter months. Dirty feeders spread disease so regular cleaning is essential. We have a range of cleaning products and feeder brushes to make this tedious job much easier - and if you would like to make it really easy for yourself - we recommend investing in easy-clean feeders. We have a big selection of easy-clean feeders at a range of prices - something for everyone!